Viewing Post for: Iceland & Greenland 2011

Date: August 14, 9:00 am
Location: Selfoss, Iceland

We are 4 wheeling around Iceland. It was light until after 11 pm last night. We got to our first town and they were having a concert so we ended up down the road at the next town. It is cool and windy. We passed steaming hills amid lava flows.

We are in Iceland.Several glacier rivers today to ford in our Land Rover.

Messages for this post

For: Annie Simpson

Hi Annie, Figures you'd be on top of the landrover!!! I love the updates about your trip. Hope you're taking pictures. Beth

Beth - 8/15/2011

For: Diane

Great picture you all look like you are having a great time!!

Nancy - 8/15/2011

For: Annie Simpson

Hi, I saw your picture for the first time. You look great.

Ruthie - 8/14/2011

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