Viewing Post for: Women's House Building 2017

Date: Monday, February 27
Location: Lake Manyara, Tanzania

Can you say elephant? Zebra? Wow! Yes they are all here and alive. We started the day with a safari drive in Lake Manyara National Park. Well, most of us started it with yoga by Jaima by thhe pool. Breakfast was enjoyed in our large thatched roof open air lodge.

And yes, safari is like you imagine it. You are greeted at the gate by a huge troop of baboons. Then the roof of the jeep is lifted and you stand as you slowly drive from the forest to the savanah to the lake. Sharp eyes pick out giraffes, impala, warthogs, other antelope types, hippos, flamingos. Hard to believe how many and how they are right nearby.

Yesterday we stopped at the school Bayo started for secondary school. It is in the middle of nowhere. A long fence surrounds it to keep out animals. Although last year in the dry season, the elephants just walked through the fence to get the plants in the watered garden. 2 years ago when I was here, there was nothing except 150 local people hand digging foundations. Now, both dormatories house students, there is a computer lab and a science lab. And a watered garden. Amazing.

We ended the day at Lake Eyasi Camp. Here are our tents for the next week. More tomorrow as we head to the worksite. Stay tuned...

Messages for this post

For: Esther

Hi - we're proud of you all being over they & doing so much good! Enjoy & tell Ricky we said to be good to you! Love Ya!

Bonnie & Jim - 2/28/2017

For: Mary Callaway

We miss you! Can't wait to hear about your adventures which we are sure will be many! Love, Karen and Steve

Karen and Steve - 2/28/2017

For: Christine

Glad to see you underway...May you be renewed ,recharged and a blessing to those around you. Enjoy! Love Julie

Julie - 2/28/2017

For: Laz!

Enjoy your days. It sounds like an amazing adventure! Thinking of you back here under the clouds!

Linda Veldhuizen - 2/28/2017

For: Jaima

Enjoy every minute of it! At get back to work!!! We love you, M,N,B,R&D

The CT Hodges - 2/27/2017

For: Jaima

So, I looked outside and saw a dog, some finches, and chickadees--very exotic! Sounds just wonderful! I hope you are taking lots of photos. Looking forward to hearing about the building. Amazing the progress the school has made. Love.

Mom - 2/27/2017

For: Jaima

Hi Mama! Awesome I hope you have a nice time billding homes! Miss you all ready!! Love Ella Hi Mama I miss you! Have fun seeing more animals and lifting heavy bricks Love Adelai Hi Babes!! Wow sounds amazing!! Cool you are doing morning yoga for everyone! Love you Jaima Daniel

Family - 2/27/2017

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