Viewing Post for: Turkey: Mt. Ararat

Date: DATE: September 11, Wednesday
Location: Yedigoller. 10196 feet at camp.

9 hours hiking, 5500 feet uphill, 2000 feet downhill. Summitted Mt Emler.

Incredible day. So hard to describe the area we are in. All dry and barren. Huge 2000 to 3000 foot cliffs. Jagged, sculpted, pillars, white limestone. All made the summit. Fabulous light as the sun moves through the day. Large quantities of olives, cookies and melon being consumed. Horses carried our gear here. It is a fixed camp meaning set up all wish we could show you view from summit. Very exotic. Not much more input from the hikers as they are all tired.

Messages for this post

For: Gary

Hi Gary! Hope you got our previous post/message. (the news was David boke his collar bone, yikes, but he's doing ok, has a sling) We miss you, hope you are doing well and being safe. HUGS!!!! :) Josh and Kelly

Kelly - 9/11/2013

For: Chris, Rick & Paul

Lots of us over here following along on your adventure. Sounds amazing, soak it all in. Looking forward to hearing the stories in person. Giant Hugs!

Deb - 9/11/2013

For: Gaylinn

So glad that you're all doing well, sounds like a wonderful adventure! We are all thinking about you back home. Sounds like you'll have plenty of rocks to bring back! Take Care.

Stacey - 9/11/2013

For: everyone

Sounds so awesome! Glad to hear everyone made it to the summit and you all are eating well...Are there showers set up at the camp?

terri - 9/11/2013

For: Karla

Hope your having tons of fun but can you just go to the beach next year Lol Don't miss Kibo too much.

MiShaun - 9/11/2013


Hope you are doing well.Good luck tomorrow on your long day hiking.THE news sounds so exciting.I'm so happy for you to be able to do this.I miss you and love you.

MYRA) - 9/11/2013

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