Viewing Post for: Kilimanjaro Climb 2012

Date: February 17, 2012
Location: Barranco Camp, 12,800

Asante sana [thank you] for your wonderful messages. We have hiked through rainforest, the moores and the alpine desert . Today we were Swahili dancing and singing with the porters.

Some hiked to 15,000 and all went to at least 14,500. Weather is below freezing at night, morning sunny then warm. By mid morning the clouds come in and a light breeze. This makes it chilly. People wear two jackets and gloves and hat.

Feel free to forward, publicize, put on the loud speaker or whatever this blog or link for those who asked.

Today was tough for some. There was a bit of nausea from the altitude. It should improve tonight as we continue to acclimate.

Still living the dream. Despite developing quirks and nausea we still like each other. Princess of lead on.

Messages for this post

For: All Those On The Journey

Sending you all rainbows of our light gathered collectively of so many of our lives lost...may we all together work in spirit to assist you with your every need in this journey of greatest inspiration...and at the top...please say a prayer for me along with all others for all the far too many lives now lost, that those of us who remain will be able to heal and work successfully to bring about a cure for all who so suffer...and may those who we lost be blessed into a far better world. Thank you!

Lisbeth Nook Arbour - 2/18/2012

For: Lisa

Talked to Mari yesterday. Knee surgery went well. Healing well. Says she is thinking of you and proud of you. Rehab started and I bet she'll be ready to join you on the next climb. Mia starts hockey playoffs today. All is normal here. Climb, climb, climb. Proud of you. Mark ( elevation: 154 meters)

Mark - 2/18/2012

For: Chris, Raiel, Clay, Katie & Derek

Hello to all of you. Hope you are well and not those suffering from nausea. Love reading the updates. There was no update this morning. Anxious to hear how you are doing. Keep warm, safe and enjoy the moment. Raiel it must be so nice for you and your brother to be experiencing this adventure together. I'm sure you like being with Chris too.

Mom (Stephanie) - 2/18/2012

For: Lisa

I'm sending out another post today with an update of your progress. Thinking of you.

Rik - 2/18/2012

For: Christine and Peter

Just wanted to wish you both the best of luck prior to your trek to the summit... I'm sure you are having an amazing adventure on this ultimate daughter/father bonding experience. Take care!

xoxo Jessica K - 2/18/2012

For: Dr. Campbell

Believe and succeed! Courage does not always roar, sometimes it's the quiet voice. Find your inner quiet voice and I have no doubt you'll make it to the top. Feel all the love, energy and warmth being sent to you from all the animals back home.

JT - 2/18/2012

For: To? (maximum 255 chars)Lisa, Marcia and all

Type your message here...Our spirit is with you, cheering you on and lightening your load. Each step is like a physical mantra. Soak in all the memories you can! You carry the dreams of many who are not yet able to make this journey! Enjoy!!

From? (maximum 255 chars)Charmagne - 2/17/2012

For: Lisa

Impressive! Nice picture of you in yesterday's blog. Keep up the good work and I'll check your progress over the weekend. Good luck to all!

Cynthia R. - 2/17/2012

For: Jason

Hey Guys!Hopefully this message greets you when you wake! Im so proud of you guys! You guys are accomplishing what few will ever in their lifetime. It seems like it may be getting a little tough at altitude but I know you guys can do it! Lunsfords and Sheridans rise to meet every challenge and always emerge victorious! Chris, you are truly an inspiration and I'll always be your biggest cheerleader! Love you! Im off tomorrow so I'll be able to send an earlier message!

Christine and Pete - 2/17/2012

For: Lisa

Well I hope you are doing a lot of more dancing than puking! You guys are doing great! Can't wait till your day on the audio, it was so cool just to know you were sitting across the table. 3 more days and you'll be at the top! Did you bring your unicycle to do a little spin around the summit? (while palying a trumpet of course) Hope you are staying warm, just think HOTTUB!!! Love you, wishing everyone great weather, great health and high sprits. Take care...and keep those little legs moving.

Your biggest fan (in England anyway!) - 2/17/2012

For: Fabulous Hikers

You are all on a journey of a lifetime! We wish we were there with you, but know we are with you all in spirit. Enjoy the beauty, enjoy the people (both new and old friends), and love and treasure this experience! It will be with you for a lifetime! Love to all!

Jim & Bonnie ('08 Kili Hikers) - 2/17/2012



JENNY - 2/17/2012

For: Vicki

Good to hear about your climb. We hiked around Torreadora a couple days ago at 13,000. You've outdone us once again. Hang in there, and don't forget to breathe!

Christine in Cuenca - 2/17/2012

For: Bob

I hope you're doing well - it's weird not being able to here from your side of it - I have heard from mom twice - she seems to be enjoying herself. Although the food is a culture shock to her I'm sure. It puts our lives into perspective. We sometimes take for granted what all we have. I went for a jog/walk today on Lincoln Mills Road it was nice. Court

Hike you can do it! - 2/17/2012

For: Diana

Kids had a great week of school. They are looking forward to their week off. Hope you are having fun. Miss you. Love Bob.

Bob - 2/17/2012

For: Kili Treckers

Ah! The Barranco Wall. Except for summit night, this was my favorite part of the hike. Enjoy the climb your getting closer to that summit every moment.

Jack - 2/17/2012

For: Peter & Christine & All

Great update and shout-outs. So how do you grill cheese sandwiches at 15,000ft? All I can think of is Mom's ancient electric griller with the frayed cord. Wouldn't Daddy & Mom be proud of you both for climbing the highest mountain in Africa! PC & I sure are! Weather here is springlike; still no snow in sight. Schools are off for President's Week. Word of the day: SAFE Savor every foot gained and the view of that world.

XOXOC - 2/17/2012

For: Paul

Marsha and Roger are getting their new roof today on the kitchen wing. Bill said it had been leaking into the kitchen. They were over here trying to figure out our issues. No one is sure what is causing it. I can hardly wait until Thursday to get you at the airport. I love you bushels and pecks and a hug around the neck. Love, Jane

Jane - 2/17/2012

For: VT gang

Loving the updates and thinking of you guys a lot! Hoping the altitude is treating you well. Glad you got in some dancing with the porters! Live it up! You're in Africa! Hakuna Matata!

Kelly - 2/17/2012

For: Peter

What a great way to start my day, hearing your voice from the mountain. I miss you! So thoughtful of you to include everyone in your message. We are all so proud of you and Christine for your strength. Enjoy the day. Give my love to Crick. All my love

Andrea - 2/17/2012

For: Katie

Woooof......You like grilled cheese for lunch....right?

Maddie - 2/17/2012

For: Vermont crew

No Microstrain data yet. Should I give Steve Arms a call :)?

Lise John - 2/17/2012

For: Katie Derek Chris Reahl and Reahl's brother

Keep living the dream. I know Vermonters know how to stay warm...right..just add those layers. Stay hydrated..stay safe. We are very much there in spirit for all of you.

Lise John - 2/17/2012

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